Family Owned and Operated. Proudly Serving Central Florida Since 1947

HVAC Maintenance Professionals

While winters in Florida don’t include below-freezing temperatures very often, the weather is still a concern. Properly maintaining the HVAC is essential to equipment efficiency, reliability and lifespan. Allow the factory authorized experts from Long's Air Conditioning, Inc. to answer any questions you might have, offer recommendations and handle crucial services to exacting standards. We are your key to comfort.

Your HVAC Maintenance Team, Long's Air Conditioning, Inc.

Here are a few tips for taking good care of your heating/cooling unit over the winter:

  • Schedule a professional tune-up – Without regular heating and cooling inspection and service, problems with operation escalate and lead to higher running costs, greater energy consumption, potential air contamination, diminished comfort, increased possibility of malfunction and shortened service life. Schedule with Long's Air Conditioning, Inc. by calling 800-725-7571 or through our online contact form.
  • Upgrade to a smart thermostat – Fluctuating weather conditions and your daily schedule are easily accommodated with a modern thermostat. Today’s generation of controls offer all sorts of features that not only add convenience and trim costs and carbon footprint but lessen wear and tear on the heating and cooling system.
  • Ductwork testing, cleaning and maintenance – It’s easy to neglect the ductwork. While the pipes are largely concealed from view, they are an important part of the HVAC system. Dust, pollen, construction debris, decomposing rodents, mold and all sorts of harmful toxins can be harbored inside, restricting airflow and polluting air quality. Minor cracks and holes allow conditioned air to leak out. A thorough inspection identifies problems and promotes superior system performance.
  • Do not cover the unit – The system is designed to be open to the air. Covering the outdoor unit blocks essential airflow which can result in mold growth on evaporator coils. The mold can restrict proper airflow through the coils and diminish system efficiency. However, make sure to check for and remove any debris, such as leaves and branches, that have fallen onto the unit.

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HVAC Maintenance, Heating Service, AC Service, Heating Maintenance & AC Maintenance Avon Park, FL, Sebring, FL, Frostproof, FL, Wauchula, FL & Babson Park, FL

Heating Maintenance in Avon Park, FL | Heating Service Sebring, FL | HVAC Maintenance Frostproof, FL

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